
The Supplier Questionnaire: Your Secret Weapon for Navigating the LkSG Maze

Discover how to create effective supplier questionnaires for LkSG compliance. Learn best practices in Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), risk assessment, and sustainability tracking. Explore how Relatico's SRM software automates questionnaire processes, enhances supply chain transparency, and ensures regulatory compliance.
Written by: 
Bernd Neufert

Expert in strategic procurement

June 25, 2024
5 min Read

Picture this:

You're sipping your morning coffee, scrolling through your emails, when suddenly you spot a message from your legal team. The subject line reads "Urgent: LkSG Compliance Required." Your heart sinks. You've heard whispers about this new German law, but now it's at your doorstep, demanding action. Sound familiar?

If you're a business leader in Germany with over 3,000 employees, you're probably all too aware of the Supplier Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) that came into effect in 2023. This law isn't just another bureaucratic hoop to jump through – it's a fundamental shift in how we approach our supply chains, placing human rights and environmental standards at the forefront of our business practices.

But here's the good news: you're not alone in this challenge, and there's a powerful tool at your disposal – the supplier questionnaire!

Let's dive into why this unassuming document might just become your new best friend in the world of Supplier Relationship Management (SRM).

Why Bother with a Supplier Questionnaire?

  1. It's Your Compliance Safety Net
    The LkSG isn't playing around. It demands that you ensure your direct suppliers are up to snuff when it comes to human rights and environmental standards. A well-crafted questionnaire helps you gather the evidence you need to prove you're doing your due diligence.

  2. It's Your Crystal Ball for Risk Management
    By asking the right questions, you can spot potential issues before they blow up into full-blown crises. Think of it as an early warning system for your supply chain.

  3. It's Your Quality Assurance Sidekick
    Want to make sure your suppliers are delivering top-notch products? Your questionnaire can help you peek behind the curtain of their quality control processes.

  4. It's Your Sustainability Scorecard
    With consumers and investors increasingly demanding eco-friendly and socially responsible practices, your questionnaire can help you gauge how green (and ethical) your suppliers really are.
  5. It Builds Trust Through Transparency
    In an age where consumers want to know the story behind their products, a thorough questionnaire helps you build a clear picture of your supply chain that you can proudly share.

Crafting the Perfect Questionnaire: The Do's and Don'ts


  1. Set Clear Objectives
    Before you start firing off questions, take a step back and define what you're really after. Are you primarily concerned with legal compliance? Quality standards? Environmental impact? Having clear goals will help you craft targeted, relevant questions.

  2. Structure It Logically
    Think of your questionnaire as a conversation. Start with the basics (who are you, what do you do?), then dive into the meatier topics like quality management, certifications, and sustainability practices. A logical flow makes it easier for suppliers to navigate and for you to analyze the responses.

  3. Be Crystal Clear
    Ambiguity is your enemy here. Each question should be so clear that there's no room for misinterpretation. If you're asking about environmental policies, for instance, specify exactly what you mean. Do you want to know about waste management? Carbon footprint? Use of renewable energy? The more specific, the better.

  4. Respect Confidentiality
    Remember, you're asking for potentially sensitive information. Make it clear that you'll handle their data with care, and consider using secure platforms like Relatico to collect and store responses.


  1. Don't Go Overboard
    It's tempting to ask everything under the sun, but resist the urge. A questionnaire that takes hours to complete will likely result in rushed, half-hearted responses – if it gets completed at all. Focus on what's truly important for your compliance and business needs.
  2. Don't Fire and Forget
    Sending out the questionnaire is just the beginning. Be prepared to follow up, clarify responses, and potentially adjust your questions based on the feedback you receive. This is an ongoing process, not a one-time task.

Leveraging Technology: How Relatico's SRM Software Can Help

Now, imagine if you could automate this entire process, from sending out questionnaires to analyzing responses and flagging potential risks. That's where Relatico's SRM software comes in. Here's how it can make your life easier:

  1. Automated Workflows: Say goodbye to manually emailing questionnaires and chasing responses. Relatico can handle the distribution and collection process for you.

  2. Centralized Documentation: No more digging through endless email chains or file folders. All supplier responses are stored in one secure, easily accessible place.

  3. Risk-Based Assessment: Relatico uses predefined risk indicators to help you quickly identify which suppliers might need closer attention or further investigation.

  4. Data Analytics: Turn raw responses into actionable insights with advanced analytics tools. Spot trends, compare suppliers, and make informed decisions.

  5. Compliance Tracking: With regulatory requirements constantly evolving, Relatico helps you stay on top of changes and ensures your questionnaires always reflect the latest compliance needs.

Wrapping It Up

The LkSG may have thrown you a curveball, but with a well-designed supplier questionnaire and the right tools, you can turn this challenge into an opportunity. Not only will you meet your legal obligations, but you'll also gain valuable insights into your supply chain, potentially uncovering ways to improve efficiency, quality, and sustainability.

Remember, this isn't just about ticking boxes. It's about building stronger, more transparent relationships with your suppliers and creating a supply chain that you can be proud of. So, grab that coffee, roll up your sleeves, and let's turn those supplier questionnaires into your secret weapon for success in the age of LkSG.

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Bernd Neufert
Bernd Neufert
Expert in strategic procurement

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Bernd possesses extensive experience in strategic procurement, shaped by his tenure at Eckes-Granini, Symrise and DuPont de Nemours. Currently, he is focused on sustainable sourcing and supply chains, collaborating with the relatico team to develop practical software solutions. Additionally, Bernd runs his own agricultural business and is involved in supply chain projects globally.